The APL+ Team

We are a dedicated team and have the skills to work together to achieve the goal

The APLPluslaos regular work team has a total of more than 20 people who carry out activities under the project plan at the Vientiane office and in other provinces such as Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, Khammouan and Champasak.. Each team has a technical background and a variety of skills such as administration, social development, political science, business, communication and expertise contribute to the work and implementation of our activities.


ທ່ານ ພັນທະມິດ ແສງປັນຍາ, Mr. Phanthamith Saengpanya | ອຳນວຍການສະມາຄົມ, Director

Mr. Phanthamith  Sengpanya is an executive with more than 10 years of experience at the Vientiane Coordination Office and the field. He has a good background in planning, management, processes and tools that help build good relationships with the public sector and various beneficiaries.

Our commissions and Volunteer

We are a dedicated team and have the skills to work together to achieve the goal, giving importance to teamwork, communication and culture so that the results of the activities come out well.

Kingkham Youngnouvong

Vice Director


Sommith Volivanh



Khempheng Sengduangchanh

Head Finance


Singkham Keochankham



Soudavanh Phommachanh

Care and Support


Ms Moukmany Manichan

 Social Welfare


Mr Sengsoulivanh Inthavong

Head of M&E
